In Pimples
You may think that poor hygiene and not washing your face are the main causes of acne, but you’d be mistaken. Anyone can experience acne, no matter how dedicated they are to their skin-cleansing routine.
It’s a fact. Almost everyone has faced acne before. But what many don’t realise is that hormones and genetics also play a part in the causes of pimples.
The Main Causes of Acne in Teenagers and Adults
Acne is not a result of not washing your face. It can be triggered by hormone imbalances.
According to the skin experts at The Pond’s Institute, the real reason why teenagers get severe acne is hormone changes during puberty.
Even though adults have experienced puberty, they’re not immune from acne. For example, stress can cause a hormone imbalance and lead to breakouts. Hormone imbalances also affect adults, causing acne. Women can find that during their period, pregnancy or menopause their hormones go into overdrive, often resulting in pimples.
We spoke to the experts at The Pond’s Institute to find out more.
The Sebaceous Gland: the Real Cause of Pimples
It is a sebaceous gland disorder, where hair follicles become clogged with excess oil and dirt.
Acne is a disorder of the sebaceous gland, starting from the dermis layer of your skin. When a hair follicle becomes clogged with dirt and excess oil, a blockage is formed. Sometimes, this blockage may not even be visible on the skin’s surface. But, this is the root cause of all acne. From this point, the blockage can develop into any of the six different types of acne.
How does this lead to acne?
When the acne bacteria react with the clogged pores, acne is formed.
This blockage develops into acne when bacteria react with it. Not all bacteria are bad. In fact, our body co-exists with trillions of microbes and single-cell organisms peacefully. They’re not a problem when our skin barrier is healthy.
However, when the skin barrier is not in its prime health, we become vulnerable to harmful bacteria. The bacteria on the skin, P.acnes, reacts with the excess sebum from the sebaceous glands. This mixture becomes a heady cocktail that leads to acne.
When clogged pores get infected with bacteria, they become inflamed. This inflammation is caused by fluid trapped deep inside your skin. The plug of oil and sebum rises up and expands to form a white, red or yellow-tip spot on your skin’s surface.
What causes the bacteria, p.acne?
The main culprit? Hormones. When you’re stressed, undergoing puberty or having your menstual cycle, your body produces more hormones, which can encourage the growth of p.acne.
Genes also play a part in determining how acne-prone your skin is. Chances are, if your parents had acne, you might too.
More Acne Causes: Over-cleansing
Overwashing is one of the leading causes of pimples.
Many people who suffer from acne are so rigorous about their skincare regime, they end up harming their skin more. While cleansing away the dirt and excess oil that clogs pores can help prevent acne, over-cleansing can make it worse.
You should wash your face twice a day, in the morning and evening. If you exercise, always wash your face afterwards too. When cleansing your face, use a gentle cloth and cleanser with lukewarm water, taking care not to scrub too hard.
The Pond’s Institute skin experts have shown us that in order to get acne-free skin, it’s all about finding the right balance – like picking the right cleanser for your skin type. The best cleansers have a formula that cleans deep whilst keeping your skin balance and hydrated. Regularly cleansing with Pond’s Acne Clear Facial Foam is a good place to start your routine for healthier skin.
For more information on the causes of acne and how to fight it, click here.