In Cleansing
The city’s an exciting place to be, but with all the hustle and bustle of a big urban environment you also get pollution. The effects of air pollution can take their toll on your skin without proper care. So how can we keep our skin soft and strong in the face of pollutants?
The Pond’s Institute discovered how pollution can have harmful effects on skin.
Our skin faces billions of pollution particles daily due to the harmful atmosphere of the city. But just how bad is that for our skin? According to research conducted by the skin experts at The Pond’s Institute, we underestimate the impact of pollution on skin. Here’s all you need to know about pollution and its detrimental effects on our skin.
Pollution consists of aggressors from smog, dust, traffic fumes, outdoor air, indoor air, UV rays and even water and other seemingly innocent substances. Environmental pollution also consists of particulate matters, or PMs, which contribute towards skin aging and damage.
Pollution exposure comes from smog, dust, traffic fumes and other aggressors in the city air.
When rushing around in the city, smog, dirt and bacteria can settle on your skin. Combine that with stress and lifestyle choices and you could be prone to more severe acne.
Pollutants sink deep into skin and can cause acne, dark spots, damage, dullness and premature aging.
Pollution contains free radicals and other aggressors that can penetrate deep into the skin’s layers, and cause long-term damage and the darkening of skin cells from the inside. On the outside, this damage can manifest itself through rashes, acne, eczema, dryness, dark spots and even premature aging.
Another effect of air pollution is that certain particles can damage collagen. Collagen is a protein that keeps skin strong and gives elasticity. You can find this amazing fiber in your dermis – that’s the second, thicker layer of your skin.
Collagen also helps to repair scarring from acne, which can be more prominent as we get older and our bodies lose collagen. Fortunately there are a few simple ways you can combat pimples, no matter how old you are.
So What Happens Inside Our Skin?
While pollution is an unavoidable part of modern city life, there is a solution to prevent pollution from causing damage to our skin – a proper skincare regime. Cleansing can help to remove pollutants and restore your skin’s youthful radiance.
A proper skincare regime can clear up the pores, and prevent damage in skin.