Did you know South African’s are the world’s worst savers? Time to change that.
Getting a wardrobe that could be featured in Elle, making your frenemies jealous of your Insta stories from exotic locations and pampering your skin more than the Kardashians all starts with getting your savings right.
Saving can seem impossible sometimes, but it doesn’t have to put a damper on your lifestyle if you make it part of your monthly expenses. Set a realistic amount you can put aside as a debit order into your savings account at the beginning of every month and you can stop stressing and reign supreme like the boss lady you are.
Being able to track your budget using an app like 22seven makes it a whole lot easier to see where you’re overspending and where you can afford to save. It’s also important to put some time aside to research the long-term investment options out there like tax-free savings as a way to grow that little bit you can afford now into a lot you can spend later.
Start a stokvel with your girlfriends. Knowing you’re not alone can keep you going. Seeing the monthly pay-out makes the incentive to save more tangible.
Be smart with your skincare products. There’s no need to finish a tub to get that feeling of decadence when the recommended amount does just that and saves you a buck or two in the long run.
The habits you keep make you the woman you are. Learn how to make your skin and your life more beautiful every day with Beautiful Habits from POND’S.