In Brightening
If you’ve been on the hunt for a good skin brightening solution, you might’ve noticed that many include vitamin B3 (VB3). But there’s a new kid on the block, and it’s called vitamin B3+, or simply, VB3+.
Well, what’s the deal with VB3 in the first place?
This popular skin brightening ingredient is also called niacinamide — another term to look out for if you don’t see VB3 on skincare ingredients lists. VB3 is a powerful little skin saver as it slows down melanin transfer to your skin surface tremendously — up to 68 percent! Goodbye patchy skin, hello even skin tone. On top of that, VB3 prevents inflammation and improves collagen production for a plump and glowing complexion.
So, sign me up already — why do I need VB3+?
Very simply because VB3+ is vitamin B3 levelled up with 12-Hydroxystearic Acid (12-HSA). Too much science for you? Don’t fret. 12-HSA is simply a fatty acid which boosts skin cell repair and renewal — which means an extra warrior to rid the skin of dark spots while strengthening skin from deep within. How could you say no to that?
Where can I find it?
VB3+ can be found in many off-the-shelf skin brightening cleansers and moisturizers. Not all bottles or tubes will use the term VB3+, but you should keep a lookout for these terms — niacin or niacinamide and hydroxystearic acid. Then you know you’ll be getting the benefits of VB3+.