We’ll show you the best way to remove makeup using your POND’S® Towelettes that will also help you take care of your skin.
In Cleansing
At last some guidance on the best way to remove makeup. You’re convinced of the power of cleansing towelettes to remove makeup, and love taking advantage of how convenient it is to use them. Well, by the time you’re finished reading this how-to for POND’S® Towelettes, you’ll be able to reap extra benefits for your skin from these remarkable cleansing cloths. So here’s how to use your towelettes the right way:
Let the towelette do the work
Close your eyes and place the towelette over your face and let it sit there for a few seconds. For an extra spa-like effect, use POND’S® Evening Soothe® MoistureClean™ Towelettes , with the relaxing fragrance of Chamomile and White tea, these towelettes gently remove away all traces of dirt and makeup, while soothing the senses.
Wipe in order
There’s a method to wiping that will help you remove the most dirt and makeup effectively. Take a towelette like POND’S® Original Fresh MoistureClean™ Towelettes , and starting at the top of your forehead, move downwards to finish at the jaw and neck area, leaving the nose for last. The reason? You are less likely to smear makeup on areas that you already wiped down. Also, leaving the nose for last is best since it tends to be the grimiest area. Be gentle
Don’t wipe too hard. Towelettes like POND'S® Original Fresh MoistureClean™ Towelettes are designed to do the job for you so there’s no need for harsh wiping. Use medium pressure and wipe in a long, downward motions. Be extra gentle around the eyes as this is a delicate area so it’s best to pat from the outside in.
Double up, mix & match
Your skin is unique and goes through changes from time to time, so match your Towelette to your skin’s needs at the moment.
You can also use two different types of Towelettes for different parts of your face. For example, use POND’S® Exfoliating Renewal MoistureClean™ Towelettes in areas that could be more oily such as nose and chin, and POND’S® Luminous MoistureClean™ Towelettes on forehead and cheeks. Use the combo that best works you. Or, some days you might wear heavier makeup and will need more than one Towelette to do the job, so double up! There are no set rules, just use what’s best for you.
Extra tip: Fold and repeat
Max out towelette space. One trick is to fold the wipe in four and use each of the folds for different parts on your face. This way you are less likely to mix for example, blush with eye shadow or dirt from your forehead with makeup on your nose.
Great solutions for younger-looking skin
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