Winter skin care tips
Learn all the winter skin care tips to look radiant in the cold months
In Cleansing
If you’ve noticed your skin turning dry, dull and even itchy, check the calendar as winter weather has arrived! Did you know that skin loses up to 25% of its ability to hold moisture in winter months? The cold, dry air during this season steals moisture from your skin, leaving it looking dry and lifeless. And not only that, but many comforts we naturally seek in cold weather such as long baths, hot showers and even the heat sources in our home all contribute to further drying our skin, making it look dull and feel rough.
Change up your skin routine when colder weather strikes and enjoy a winter glow. The two most important steps to take for winter skin care are exfoliating and moisturizing regularly. Here’s why and how:
1 Exfoliate

Why: Exfoliation is a first crucial step to quenching thirsty dry skin as dry skin buildup on the surface of skin can prevent moisturizers from penetrating. By exfoliating away the dead skin on the surface, it allows your moisturizer to absorb better.
How: Exfoliate using POND’S® Exfoliating Renewal MoistureClean™ Towelettes , with invigorating beads, gently polish away dull, dry skin. Its gentle exfoliation is perfect for everyday use, which comes in handy during the winter when skin requires the most upkeep to remove dry, dead skin.
2 Moisturize

Why: During the winter your face is the part of your body that is most exposed to cold weather, causing it to lose moisture the most. A rich moisturizer with the appropriate balance of ingredients that add and lock moisture in the winter will help to better retain your skin’s moisture and make it feel soft.
How: The best time to moisturize is shortly after cleansing, lightly pat your face dry using a towel and then apply moisturizer liberally to your skin. Do this in circular motion to encourage blood flow. POND’S ® Dry Skin Cream is a moisturizer that is specifically designed for dry skin to provide deep hydration, making it perfect to use during cold weather months.
With these winter skin care steps achieving soft, luminous skin is easy. Take the first steps towards achieving a winter glow today!